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An error occurred when receiving wrapped code for the 'LOCUS.INC' object: ORA-06550: line
I get this error when I do a schema compare between 2 databases. An error occurred when receiving wrapped code for the 'LOCUS.INC' object: ORA-06550: line 13, column 37: PL/SQL: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist ORA-06550: line 13, column 7: PL/SQL:
Version Control on Script Files for Oracle
Other Devart Tools allow for Source Control on Script Files but not for Oracle? Also there is no Schema Compare to Script Files, this is a major missing component. This one part allows Redgate to monopolize the market and charge $140,000.00 for a 50 user
Oracle 19.24 + ASO + DirectMode
Hi I just applied Oracle 19.24 (Security Patch July 2024) to my database and the direct mode no longer work If I disable native encryption it works. Test case: $conn = New-Object Devart.Data.Oracle.OracleConnection('Direct=true;User Id=test;Password=***;Port=1521;Service
TScSMTPClient.AuthenticationType no longer available?
Hi, today I upgraded my SecureBridge from version 10.4.1 to the recently released 10.6.0. When I went to compile my project I found that the TScSMTPClient.AuthenticationType property is no longer available, so I can't define an authentication type before
Store RTF text
I am using Unidac 10.1 with Delphi 11.3. I am using an inherited component from TcxRichText from Developer Express to store formatted text with RTF in database. I am using MS SQL Server with type NVARCHAR(MAX) on the column. My problem is that rtf text
UniScript unterminated dollar-quoted string
I have a problem with Uniscript when running the command below CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.fin_fc_cte_integracao_fin() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' AS $BODY$ DECLARE vFlgBaixado boolean; BEGIN IF (TG_OP = 'DELETE') THEN SELECT (CASE WHEN dat_bai
Unitable with postgreSQL (v17)
I'm using TUniTable with postgreSQL v17. When I open semi large table (140 000 rows, 220 fields) with unitable it takes 3-4 secods. is there any way to avoid this delay, like take just first record etc unidac is latest 10. Server version: PostgreSQL 17.0
Access Direct Mode Connection Fails if Database has a Query (View)
We get EAssertionFailed with a message beginning "jTYPE_ATTRIBUTE" (JetTable.pas line 5126) when using an Access database in Direct mode, but only if there is a query defined in the database. We are using UniDAC 10.3.1 for Rad Studio 10.4. Recent release
License Issue / Net8Core
Hello! I have the license key for Postgres Connector - Expiration Date Apr28, 2026. In the online overview for the License it tells me 'Available Product Version' 8.3.21 Now the Key and Nuget 8.3.21 works well with Net Framework 4.8 and Net5core on Linux.
ODAC: "Invalid Field Type" when calling a stored function with VARCHAR2 params
We have developed a VCL application in C++Builder, using RAD Studio 12 Version 29.0.51961.7529 (Version 12.1 basically) with a target platform Windows64. Our database is Oracle 19 running on an ODA with latest patches. The problem always occurs when I
TScFTPClient - SSL Negotiation Command is Failed
Our company recently purchased your FTP components and I'm using TScFTPClient to try and connect to an FTP server with TLS. I can call the client's Connect method OK, but when I attempt to use the Login method, I get an error message stating, "SSL negotiation
migrating from firebird 2 to 4
I use dbx with dbexpress driver I am migrating from firebird 2 to firebird 4 and it returns the error: type mismatch to field 'QNTSAI', expecting :FMTBcd actual : Float I need a way to use both versions until I migrate all the databases delphi11 with
I have Error in dbForge Monitor SQL Server "this metrics not supported by the current Microsoft SQL Server edition"
Hi, I have Error in dbForge Monitor SQL Server "this metrics not supported by the current Microsoft SQL Server edition" What have I do?
TScSMTPClient for dummies
Hi, I am playing a little around with ScSMTPClient and was able to send mails. I am currently failing to get/receive an errror when using an non existing adress no matter wether used as a from or to address. Am I right that this is probably related to
Salesforce ODBC driver exceeded API Requests allowed
A few days ago we used more than the 249k API requests our Salesforce license allows within 24 hours using your Devart ODBC driver. I can see the current number next to the label "API Requests, Last 24 Hours" on https://*
EntityDeveloper EF Core 6 version creates modelBuilder....UseTptMappingStrategy(); which not supported by .NET 6
If I remove the code line, is it possible that EF Core does not work correctly?
Review Assistant freezing/slow
Hi, We're currently evaluating Review Assistant with a small team, however are noticing substantial timeouts and poor performance (long delays/stalls) when adding a comment, or (for example) changing the filter from "All Reviews" to "My Reviews". We are
How to support non Unicode fields when using TUniConnection 10.2.1 to connect to SQLite database?
TUniConnection 10.2.1 When connecting to an SQLite database, because the field type of the table in the SQLite database is varchar (100) instead of Nvarchar (100), it is intuitively not a Unicode database, My current problem is that when I compile a program
Is SecureBridge 10.5.0 compatible with RAD Studio 12.2 - Patch 1
Hi, When I try to install SecureBridge 10.5.0, with the recently released RAD Studio 12.2 (Patch 1), i get warning message. "You are using a version of RAD Studio 12 that is required for SecureBridge 10.5.0." Is SecureBridge 10.5.0 compatible with RAD
RAD Studio 12.2 Athens Inline Patch 1 / UniDAC 10.3
UniDAC 10.3 does not work with the latest RAD Studio 12.2 Athens Inline Patch 1.
What does "Net: Invalid VerifierType" mean?
Hello, A user is attempting to connect to the database with ODAC in direct mode and receiving the error "Net: Invalid VerifierType". What does this error mean and how can it be solved? I see it in OraNetLogon.pas, around line 1529 but of course I can't
RAD Studio 12.2 Athens Inline Patch 1 / ODAC 13.3.0
ODAC 10.3 does not work with the latest RAD Studio 12.2 Athens Inline Patch 1. Starting Delphi 12.2 shows errors like this (german version): "Der Prozedureinsprungpunkt "@Idetheme@Utils@TIDEDialogRegistryServices@$bcctr$qqrv" wurde in der DLL "C:\Embarcadero\Studio\23_components\ODAC\Bin\Win32\oramigwizard290.dll"
MyDac 12.3 and RAD Studio 12.2 Athens Inline Patch 1
MyDAC does not work with the latest RAD Studio 12.2 Athens Inline Patch 1. Can you please update the install file?
UniDAC fails to load in Delphi 12.2 Patch 1
Tried reinstalling but still get entry point error when opening Delphi.
UniDAC SQL Server - prDirect vs. prNativeClient
I use prDirect for SQL server now. My question is, if there is any advantage when I use prNativeClient or prMSOLEDB compared to prDirect? Christian
DateTimeOffset.Date does not correctly truncate time in dotConnect for PostgreSQL
Hello, I am working on upgrading my company's application, based on dotConnect for PostgreSQL, from EF6 to EF Core. We have been using multiple methods from the DbFunctions class, many of which were removed in EF Core. From my understanding, DateTimeOffset.Date
dbForge Monitor v7.0 w/ SSMS v20.2 on Windows 11 - Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory error
I've installed the latest dbForge Monitor v7.0 (7.0.158) on my Workstation SSMS install. It installed with no errors and SSMS starts up and connects to a remote server with no errors. When I try to activate "Monitor / Show Monitor" I get the following
V7.0.158 has broken Intellisense support when working with SQL Queries
Myself and another developer in my company upgraded from v6.x to v7.x and now intellisense for selection of Tables/Fields via the dropdown in the SQL editor no longer work? The dropdown shows completely unrelated options and NONE of them help with table/field
UniDAC DBF Provider Insert Into Temporary Table
SELECT * into #AA from XYZ gives an error. How can this be done?
PostgreSQL version 17
Did somebody already test UniDac 10.3.x with the latest PostgreSQL version 17.0? Everything ok or are there any known problems? Regards Christian
Hi, Anyone had this error when trying to conect do a Microsoft Fabric instance? The endpoints works fina on Azure Data Studio and SSMS but i get this error on DBFORGE Studio for SQL Server
Importing data into a temporal table requires default value in PeriodEnd, PeriodStart
The PeriodEnd and PeriodStart columns in an SQL Server table are designated as "Generated Always." No default value can be provided. Because Data Pump identifies the columns on the table, a default value is required. How can I import data into a temporal
Trial Period expired
Hello! We have been using the ODBC driver for SalesForce (SQL Server) for almost a year and it has started in the last 24 hours giving the trial period expired error. Our license is valid until 2026, has anyone experienced this before?
Oracle AQ - Dequeue from a sharded queue causes invalid cast exception
Since i converted my Oracle queue into a sharded queue, the OracleQueue.Dequeue function always throws an invalid cast exception in Devart.Data.Oracle.dll. When i used a normal queue everything worked fine.
Error Connecting Through DSN
I'm trying to connect to Shopify through a 32-bit DSN in Windows 10, using the Devart ODBC driver for Shopify. The owner of the site created a custom app and gave it all permissions, and got an Admin API Access Token, which he shared with me. The Devart
TUniStoredProc fails when connection has parameters
Hi, I have simple UniStoredProc it works fine if I don't define any parameters to connection. But when I add 2 parameters to uniconnection UniConnection1.macros.Add('false','0'); UniConnection1.macros.Add('true','1'); I get error [Zen][ODBC Client Interface][LNA][Zen][SQL
After database upgrade from 19c to 23c, connection in Direct mode gives "NET: Invalid input arguments" error
Hello, A user has a database that was upgraded from 19c to 23c. When the database was on 19c, he could connect using our application (using ODAC in DIRECT mode). Then the database was upgraded to 23c, and now he gets the above error. He says that he can
Hi, I have updated to Unidac 10.3.0 and I've a problem with the code below : //---- Sql - Sauvegarde des lignes existantes LQ.Sql.Text := 'SELECT MAT_ID,INT_DEB,DIM_EXTENSION,DIM_DATE,DIM_SOURCE,DIM_LIBELLE,DIM_FILENAME,DIM_ID,DIM_ORIGINAL FROM T_DOC_INTER_MAT
What happend to dbForge Studio for SQL Server?
Hi there I have now updated to the latest version of dbForge Studio for SQL Server. And in hindsight, that was a big mistake. - The time it takes for the program to start has increased by a factor of ten - Intellisense no longer works automatically -
Log für TScSMTPClient verfügbar
I use SecureBridge - TScSMTPClient in Delphi 12.2 to send e-mails. It works very well. Is there a way (and an example) how I can log the connection setup, sending and disconnection, similar to a logger? Best regards Gerd
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