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MyDAC Bug 12.4.0
I just switched to the new release and re-compiled my projects. Now I get this error, when I start my program: assertion failure "d:\jenkins\workspace\DAC\MyDAC\Delphi\Dac\Common\Source\CRVioTcpSSL.pas"
The keyword "then" causes inserting ifthen snippet
Hi, "then" keyword causes to inserting "ifthen" snippet dbforge for oracle 6.0.85
MyDAC and SDAC question
I am trying to retrieve data from MS SQL Server (about 40000 records) and copy them to TDictionary as fast as possible. My problem is that it is slow and some setting changes give strange results. What I do is: 1. I open TMSQuery object MSQArt, it takes
SSMS Results Grid > copy as Excel format
The "Copy Data As" results grid options have been very useful for years, but one extra thing would still be super nice to have: "Copy As Excel". I'm sure everyone has seen issues with data types when copying directly from SSMS into Excel, often changing
Python xbase connector Trial period has expired in the running computer
Hello, I am using the devart_xbase_connector-1.2.0-cp312-cp312-win_amd64 activated in my development computer (Laptop) and it works normally. I have created a utility program that does various things in a fox-pro database which I run on my other PC (Desktop)
no prompts for package procedure parameters
dbforge for oracle 6.0.85 and prev
memory !!
Hi, dbborge for oracle 6.0.85 something wrong with memory consumption and this is not related to large dataset suddenly dbforge was freezing for some minutes and i needed to kill process i have catched same case two times , previous version dbforge have
how to specify the version of sql server used when generating synchronization script
My Sql Server install is 2019. When I generate a synchronization script, I need to specify that the script generated works with Sql Server 2014 (other sql installs on different computers). I am currently using dbForge Schema Compare for Sql Server Professional
Unitable isindex and lookup do not work
Hello, i am using a UniDac UniTable to access a SQL server database. To view the structure of the table i need to know which fields are index fields and which ones are lookup connections. The tunitable has two properties which should give this information:
UniDAC 10.3.2 - Returning - Firebird 4 / Firebird 5
With 10.1.0 “Added support for multiple rows being returned by DML with the RETURNING clause” was introduced. I have now noticed that in a query with returning with Firebird 4 the returning is in the params (fields empty) and with Firebird 5 in the fields
magic disappearing Data Viewer window
after jumping from Find and Replace window to Data viewer (mouse click) it magic disappear (get empty) dbForge studio for Oracle 6.0.85
scroll problem in table editor
hi, as for me something wrong with panel scrolling in table editor also good place for field comment is main column list rather column property. It's only my opinion of course. Thank you
UniDAC 10.4 Source Installation
Hi, I am trying to use Make.bat using Make.bat Delphi WIN32 but get the error: Embarcadero Delphi for Win32 compiler version 36.0 Copyright (c) 1983,2025 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc. odbcprovider290.dpk(28) Fatal: E2225 Never-build package 'rtl' must
exec current statement for pl/sql bloc containing JSON_OBJECT cause error
hi, running this block via execute current statement cause error 1 PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "end-of-file" when expecting one of the following: ; <an identifier> <a double-quoted delimited-identifier> The symbol ";" was substituted for "end-of-file"
How to place an image in the background of a report and have the data visible on the image?
Hello, I'm trying out dbForge Studio for SQL Server and want to place a background image on the entire report page. I'm using the image object to insert the image I need, but when I place it in the background and add fields over the image, they don't
no possibility to reset check box "not null" in table editor
Hi,scenario: 1 open table editor - ok 2 add new field - ok 3 set "not null" check box - ok 4 jump to another field - ok 5 return to my new field - ok 6 try to reset "not null" check box - ok 7 jump to another field - fiasco - "not null" check box return
SSL connection problem in dbForge Studio for MySQL
Hello. I have a problem with SSL connection in dbForge Studio for MySQL on one of my machines. An account in the database has 'REQUIRE X509' option, so it's required to specify a client key, certificate and optionally CA to connect. I have specified all
document outline break down
this line break down document outline dbforge for oracle 6.0.85
"Go to definition" jumps to the package specification, not the package body, like a shift+F12
Hi. Thank you for last update DBForge studio for Oracle to 6.0.85. Great job. Fixed many bugs. But at the same time a new problem appeared - "Go to definition" (F12) makes jump to package spec. (like a shift+F12) rather then to package body, . Reloading
Prevent ODAC from appearing in Delphi main menu
Hello, After I install ODAC components into Delphi, "ODAC" is inserted into Delphi's main menu. Is there a way to prevent (or remove) this? Thanks John Dorlon
SSMS 21 Support
I'm starting to test SSMS 21. Is there a roadmap of when you might add support for SSMS 21?
Delphi 12.3 64bit-IDE support
Hi when can we expect the design-time controls for the 64bit IDE of Delphi 12.3 for the Delphi Data components ? Kind regards, Erik
ORA-00918: column ambiguously defined for paging mode (
hi, i got error while getting next page of query result. for first page i have warning - it's Ok. but for next page i have ERROR 1 ORA-00918: column ambiguously defined SQL3.sql 3 8 Yes, i really have repeating column names, but without paging or for
header of tab sometimes not in visible position !!!
Hi, sometimes the tab header is not in visible position after opening new tab and need to scroll tabs for finding it.
'relation "__EFMigrationsHistory" already exists' when running multiple migration sets
Hello, I am working on upgrading my company's application, based on dotConnect for PostgreSQL, from EF6 to EF Core. The application has multiple modules with migrations for module-specific entities and all migrations are applied to the same database.
Passing parameters to TUniStoredProc without SELECT privilege
Hello. I have MySQL database with some of the stored procedures for accessing data in it. The only global privilege enabled is EXECUTE, others are disabled. I'm trying to call a stored procedure in MySQL database with the help of TUniStoredProc using
[PgDAC] Error when executing SQL Query in table with blob files
Hi there, hope you'll ok. I recently started using PgDAC for queries that works with blob files, especially using the "execute" command of PostgreSQL (version 16). When i execute the query, i'm getting the following error: "ERROR: Assertion failure (D:\Jenkins\workspace\DAC\PgDAC\Delphi\Dac\PostgreSql\Source\PgSQLProtocol.pas,
New BOOLEAN datatype not supported with Oracle 23ai client
Hello, I am using the latest version of ODAC and Delphi. When I connect to an Oracle 23ai database, using an Oracle 23ai client, and I select (using TSmartQuery) from a table that has a column of datatype BOOLEAN (for example: Select * from user_domain_cols),
TScFTPClient 'FTP server error occurred: TLS required, configure with AUTH first.'
Get the EScFTPError 'FTP server error occurred: TLS required, configure with AUTH first' FFtpClient.TLSMode := tmRequireExplicitTLS FFtpClient.SSLOptions.IgnoreServerCertificateConstraints := true; FFtpClient.SSLOptions.IgnoreServerCertificateInsecurity
Sqlite support to Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022 (ARM 64-bit)
I'm using Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022 om a macbook pro M4. Everything work just fine except dotConnect for SQlite. Using latest version 6.4.190 Getting error when try to open SQLiteConnection in debug mode. Application is running fine standalone.
SQL Complete No Longer Shows Column List For Trigger Tables
I could've sworn SQL Complete used to show the column names for the inserted/deleted tables in the list members CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[tu_Contact_StandingId] ON [dbo].[Contact] AFTER UPDATE AS BEGIN IF UPDATE(StandingId) BEGIN INSERT CapitaTransaction
TScSMTPClient for dummies
Hi, I am playing a little around with ScSMTPClient and was able to send mails. I am currently failing to get/receive an errror when using an non existing adress no matter wether used as a from or to address. Am I right that this is probably related to
SQL Complete Execution History Import
Is there a way to move over query execution history from one computer to another?
Any plans to create an ODBC driver for Xero?
Hi Just wondering if there is any plans in the works to create an ODBC driver for the Xero platform?
.NET 9 - Devart.Data.Oracle.EfCore - Discriminator issue with include
Hello Devart, When using discriminators in EF Core and then including navigational properties which aren't available on all discriminated types, only on specific derived types: var result = await ctx.Vehicles .Include(_ => ((Car)_).PossibleEngineTypes)
Memory leak in SecureBridge
Hi, Securebridge initialization code as allocates object which is newer release causing memory leak. I know that it's not dangerous, cause it doesn't repeat but I was just wondering could the code be fixed so that while catching memory leaks, I wouldn't
.NET9 Ef Core 9.0.1+ Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Hi, I'm getting Object reference not set to an instance of an object. from Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Relational at pretty much each query. For example: await context.TV_USERS.AsNoTracking().Where(x => x.ID == Id).FirstOrDefaultAsync(ct); I'm using
Invalid command line. Unknown switch 'connection:user'.
I've been using dbforgemysql in Windows for manual backups and decided to automate it after a recent server crash at our ISP. I've followed the directions, but no matter what I do I receive an error. Invalid command line. Unknown switch 'connection:user'.
SecureBridge Installer won't let me uncheck any components
Hello, I want to uncheck the following in the SecureBridge installer, but the boxes don't respond when I uncheck them. SecureBridge files for Win64 (Modern) SecureBridge files for macOS SecureBridge files for Android It's not a big deal, just annoying.
Hi, Anyone had this error when trying to conect do a Microsoft Fabric instance? The endpoints works fina on Azure Data Studio and SSMS but i get this error on DBFORGE Studio for SQL Server
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