Recent Topics
Using the Devart.Data.PostgreSql.dll assembly in a PowerShell 7 script?
I am trying to use a licensed Devart.Data.PostgreSql.dll in a PowerShell 7 script (there is no exe or dll file involved) It works with Windows PowerShell 5.1 without having to provide any addition license information but I cannot use the .NET Standard
Dbforge for MySQL Command Line interface
Hi, Is there a way to save the command line output when running a batch file of the number of rows imported?
ODBC SalesForce Error error HY000 Access violation at address 177E7037
Hello, We are using de ODBC Driver for SalesForce with Microsoft SSIS, and when we try to retrieve a couple of complete tables, we get randomly the following error: error HY000'. Native Error Code: 1. [Devart][ODBC][Salesforce]Access violation at address
Color correction in import
I have two issues/question in Studio 2022 for SQL server. 1. Using "Visual Studio Blue" Skin, go to Data pump / Import external data / ODBC. In ODBC options, enter the necessary data, then go to "Destination". In there, when you select a table from Source
Error "wrong data format" when decrypting TStream in TScCMSProcessor
Hi, Error "wrong data format" is always generated when decrypting a TStream in TScCMSProcessor. It works fine for files, but not for TStream. InStream := TMemoryStream.Create; InStream.LoadFromFile('Document.txt'); OutStream := TMemoryStream.Create; //
Generate Android 32-bit and 64 bit binaries -> Unit 'MyAccess' not found.
Hello, If I set "Generate Android 32-bit and 64 bit binaries" to True in Project settings / Compiling, I get the error: "[DCC Fatal Error] Main.pas(18): F2613 Unit 'MyAccess' not found." This setting is required for Google Play upload. What can I do?
TNSNAMES not found on 21c
1a) Install Oracle 21 XE into c:\oracle\product\21.0.0 on a machine without any other Oracle server or client installed. 1b) Install Oracle 18 XE into c:\oracle\product\18.0.0 on a machine without any other Oracle server or client installed. 2) Create
Robert Davis
Is the issue with NexusDB provider fixed yet? I'm using the most current trial and it won't work. Says I need to recompile the NexusDBProvider. What is the problem? I'm running Delphi Professional 11.2 w/Update 2 (Alexandria). I'm not going to upgrade
Issue with Devart.SSIS.Salesforce.SalesforceLookup
For the last couple of days we're receiving this errors when we tried to get data from salesforce. Could you please help us? Thanks a lot. Error Code: 0xC00490F7 Description: The managed pipeline component "Devart.SSIS.Salesforce.SalesforceLookup" could
Today, im convert my Python Code for Connect into Zoho from (Windows Server 2012) to (Windows Server 2008) but there're error (On WS 2008) Error: ('HY000', '[HY000] [Devart][ODBC][Zoho CRM]The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust
TScHubConnection and ServerSentEvents Support
Will TScHubConnection support transport type of ServerSentEvents in the future? I noticed that there is commented out code in ScSignalRHttpConnection referencing ServerSentEvents.
Hi, I do not understand if it's possible use SQLite with Lazarus, but on ARM platform, like the RaspberryPi. In the source folders I see some Lazarus files and fpclinux64.o but not clear to me if compatible with ARM... Thank you
Hi: I'm using the TscHTTPServer to implement a Service Server for my programs. There is no documentation of using this component, but I realize this is close to the programming of a TIndyHTTPServer, but without some support procedures like the MIME List
Can I use Odac with Delphi Community Edition to Access Oracle 19c Enterprise Edition?
is Delphi Enterprise edition is Must for Oracle 19c Enterprise Edition access? erkan
ODBC Driver for Salesforce
My organization purchased the ODBC Driver for Salesforce and we are happily retrieving data from Salesforce BUT we don't seem to be able to write data back to Salesforce. The log for both Salesforce and our application that is connected via Devart ODBC
Oracle error OCI-21500 and hard crash
I'm raising this again here in the new forum as we are still receiving this error after upgrading to the latest oracle 19.16 client. have an application using the latest version of dotconnect which is crashing randomly and being terminated by the .net
Writing to Salesforce Objects - will it trigger Account history in salesforce
Hello We are using ODBC driver to write to salesforce on Account object if needed. We also have account history enabled in salesforce but noticing none of changes triggered by back end odbc process is recorded in salesforce account tracking - is it
Devart Postres pgDataReader/PgDataAdapter Decimal value with Precision
Could someone please help me with the following question...
I migrated the Assembly Devart version to Postgres Express to version after the changes the decimal value that is brought from the PgSqlDataAdapter is coming numerically with precision
VirtualTable/Query are empty after LOADED
Hello I just bought the VirtualDAV (v12.2) Components for my Delphi 11.2 Attached a small demo program, that shows my problem. I load/assigned the data in the LOADED Methode, after i entering on the FormCreate Methode the vtElementGrafik VirtualTable
Avoid describing all source and target objects on data comparison
Hello, we are planning a full DB migration, with lots of tables involved, that require us to define and execute different dbcomp files in order, as there's dependant data involved. dbForge does the job perfectly, however, we do see a major slowdown in
Error when opening EDML from VS2022
Starting a few days ago, I am experiencing this error when opening the EDML within VS2022 that was working before:
Unable to connect SQL server database
I write a code on databricks python notebook to connect My SQL server database through ODBC but it's showing error as in attached file. Pls provide me solution ASAP.
TRttiUtils : Documentation
Could you please provide the documentation for the TRttiUtils class and an example of use TIA
i'm getting an "error" while trying to format a document SQL1.sql: Error (6,5): Unexpected symbol 'STRING_TO_ARRAY'
UniDac 64-Bit MySQL
When linking a 64-Bit C++ project with MySQL UniDac support we get the following error, Unable to open file 'myprovider280.lib' To correct the problem, we have to copy, Devart\UniDAC\Lib\Win64\myprovider280.a to Devart\UniDAC\Lib\Win64\myprovider280.lib
Cann't get autoinc primary key value after UniQuery.Post when SQL include ORDER BY
Select * from table order by col1, Simple SQL like this are fine. Select table1.*, table2.xxxxx from table1 left join table2 left join table3 ORDER BY xxxxxx. When it is such a complex SQL statement, the self-incrementing primary key value is Null after
Change sqlite version
How to update sqlite version? For now sqlite 3.40 is newest but it's 3.36 in devart 6.0.x package.
9.3.0 - Virtual Table Errors
Hi, I detected errors in VirtualTable object. Sample application and information as follows: Delphi: Delphi 11 Unidac: 9.3.0 (nightbuild version) OS: Windows 11 There are 2 problems. One of them is that when we load data into the VirtualTable object at
Features supported
1. Does the driver use the postgres binary or string protocol? 2. What is the level of support for Arrays and PostGIS datatypes? 3. I understand that the driver connects directly, does it support connection using SSL? Thanks
query using "for json"
Hello, I use SDAC 10.0.2 with delphi 7, When I try follow query that return one row & one field (actually is TMemoField) and get field value as string I get part of actual data (2033 bytes). Can anyone knows what is wrong? select * from customer for
Sample size while mapping
Hi I am trying to import a large dataset from a csv. When using the wizard, it is eventually setting the type and the max. lenght of each column, using a sample of 100 (?) lines. How can I tell the wizard to use a larger sample, like 10.000 lines?
SOLVED - UNIDAC 9.1.1 - PostgreSQL 12 - 15 Digit Problem
I started seeing a bug I reported earlier in version 9.1.1 again. Can you help with this? Information: Delphi 11 PostgreSQL 12...15 Unidac 9.1.1 Before Report: ScreenShot: Thanks.
Tmytable not drop
Hello, how do I make it so that a TMyTable that is active cannot be deleted with DROP TABLE ?
Schema Compare doesn't support unique indexes which contain CASE statements
We have a unique index that contains a case statement: ADD UNIQUE INDEX uk__phone__org_id__phone_number(org_id, ((case when (`org_id` <> 2) then `phone_number` end))); We added this index to our database project and when we perform a schema compare between
Batch Update Oracle Nomal Mode and CLOB
Hi, I use batch update to update records in a query. My query have a CLOB field a the end like this //---- Sql : Update UQ.Sql.Text := 'UPDATE T_MESURES_STEP SET VALEUR = :VALEUR,CODE_REM = :CODE_REM,CODE_U = :CODE_U,METHODE
BDE to MyDac
I am considering converting a large application database to MySQL using MyDAC. I found this page via Google that says: "In MyDAC the interests of BDE application developers were taken into consideration. So starting to use MyDAC after working with BDE
Data Comparison. Describe Objects
I have two databases with each schema containing 171,000 tables(Since it is an ERP application). I want to compare a select few tables only, but first I need to load all the objects. Steps performed: 1. select New data comparison option 2. Select source
Memory leak in SecureBridge
Hi, Securebridge initialization code as allocates object which is newer release causing memory leak. I know that it's not dangerous, cause it doesn't repeat but I was just wondering could the code be fixed so that while catching memory leaks, I wouldn't
SQL Complete - Is there a way using the formatter to ensure spaces exist between brackets in the where clause
Is there a way using the formatter to ensure spaces exist between brackets in the where clause? example: WHERE (Column1 = @Column1 Or Column1 > 0) would become WHERE ( Column1 = @Column1 Or Column1 > 0 )
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