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UniDAC DBF Provider Insert Into Temporary Table
SELECT * into #AA from XYZ gives an error. How can this be done?
PostgreSQL version 17
Did somebody already test UniDac 10.3.x with the latest PostgreSQL version 17.0? Everything ok or are there any known problems? Regards Christian
Hi, Anyone had this error when trying to conect do a Microsoft Fabric instance? The endpoints works fina on Azure Data Studio and SSMS but i get this error on DBFORGE Studio for SQL Server
Importing data into a temporal table requires default value in PeriodEnd, PeriodStart
The PeriodEnd and PeriodStart columns in an SQL Server table are designated as "Generated Always." No default value can be provided. Because Data Pump identifies the columns on the table, a default value is required. How can I import data into a temporal
Trial Period expired
Hello! We have been using the ODBC driver for SalesForce (SQL Server) for almost a year and it has started in the last 24 hours giving the trial period expired error. Our license is valid until 2026, has anyone experienced this before?
Error Connecting Through DSN
I'm trying to connect to Shopify through a 32-bit DSN in Windows 10, using the Devart ODBC driver for Shopify. The owner of the site created a custom app and gave it all permissions, and got an Admin API Access Token, which he shared with me. The Devart
TUniStoredProc fails when connection has parameters
Hi, I have simple UniStoredProc it works fine if I don't define any parameters to connection. But when I add 2 parameters to uniconnection UniConnection1.macros.Add('false','0'); UniConnection1.macros.Add('true','1'); I get error [Zen][ODBC Client Interface][LNA][Zen][SQL
After database upgrade from 19c to 23c, connection in Direct mode gives "NET: Invalid input arguments" error
Hello, A user has a database that was upgraded from 19c to 23c. When the database was on 19c, he could connect using our application (using ODAC in DIRECT mode). Then the database was upgraded to 23c, and now he gets the above error. He says that he can
Hi, I have updated to Unidac 10.3.0 and I've a problem with the code below : //---- Sql - Sauvegarde des lignes existantes LQ.Sql.Text := 'SELECT MAT_ID,INT_DEB,DIM_EXTENSION,DIM_DATE,DIM_SOURCE,DIM_LIBELLE,DIM_FILENAME,DIM_ID,DIM_ORIGINAL FROM T_DOC_INTER_MAT
Log für TScSMTPClient verfügbar
I use SecureBridge - TScSMTPClient in Delphi 12.2 to send e-mails. It works very well. Is there a way (and an example) how I can log the connection setup, sending and disconnection, similar to a logger? Best regards Gerd
Card View issue 10.0.46
Maybe I overlooked something but it looks like card view is working improperly in 10.0.46. It was OK in the older versions. 1. The width of the box is too narrow so many of the values are cut off. 2. I can't find any way to easily change its width. The
Bug: dbForge Studio for MySQL Professional Edition 10.0.225 - Problem with Order By query results in Data window if columns were previously manually sorted
Running a query with Order By in the Text window does not produce correctly sorted results in the Data window if the columns for the table were already manually sorted from inside the Data window. Selecting "clear all sorting" in the Data window of a
Unidac UniQuery clone access violation
When I use a TUniQuery and perform a CloneCursor using postgres, If I pass "True" as the reset parameter, an access violation error occurs. Attached are the database and the demo file as an example.
Add a field named index to the DBF table
There is a dbf table with a foam structure. It is necessary to add a field with the name index. Variants UniQuery->SQL->Text ="ALTER TABLE \""+System::Ioutils::TPath::GetFileNameWithoutExtension(OpenDialog->FileName)+"\" ADD COLUMN &fldname CHAR(10);";
Issue Unigui / SDAC
I have a problem that occurs with Unigui with SDAC I have two forms, both have a grid connected to a Query (TMSQuery to be exact). I open a popup and select a record, but when I close it, the first form record always moves to the first record. 1- Prepare
SQL Complete - Add selection token which will be replaced by selected text
Coming from other tool, I am missing a option, to create snippet which would replace token in code with text selected before snippet was invoked. I was used to invoke snippets with key shortcut. Dont really know if that is possible in SQL Complete.
ODBC Driver for Salesforce Query Error
Hey guys, I am able to query any table fine so far except for the ActivityHistory table. SELECT * from OPENQUERY([SF],'Select Name from "ActivityHistory"') This is the error I got. OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "SF" returned message "[Devart][ODBC][Salesforce]Table
Continuous MFA Prompts
Highlights: Linux Server / MySQL / MariaDB / PHP 7.4.34 (upgrading soon!) Windows Client (current version) Connection Type: TCP/IP with SSH and MFA (prompt to my phone) Trial version Issue: I connect just fine and can see everything. However, when I do
Strange error attempting to save a record with a blob jpg...
I have developed a VCL application in Delphi, using RAD Studio 12 Version 29.0.51961.7529 (Version 12.1 basically) with a target platform Windows64. It uses Devart MySQLDAC 12.2.1 For RADStudio 12 for database My customer has just emailed to say they
Postgres: Performance-Issues after updating from UniDAC 9.4.0 to 10.2.1
Hello, we massive perfomance issues after updating to your newest version. For example: TUniTable (default settings), TUniConnection (already connected), Table with 621 Records - Version 9.4.0: Open returns after ~25ms - Version 10.2.1: Open returns after
Install the prior version
I have recently updated to version 7. I would like to go back to the prior version that supports SSMS 20.2. This new version is bad. I am getting errors after every query I run. (Function Session Property is not supported). Also there is still minimal
Salesforce ODBC forgets about it's license every few months?
I own a valid license and am using it on a Windows 2022 Server running on AWS. It mostly works, but every few moths it seems the driver loses the license and I get errors like this when running queries through my Microsoft SQL linked server setup: ```
HasConversion not working with EF Core 8 when converting an Enum
Hi, We're using HasConversion<string> to convert an Enum to string and vice versa but it's throwing an Exception. We've also tried the following syntax : .HasConversion( v => v.ToString(), v => (EUserType)Enum.Parse(typeof(EUserType), v)); But we're getting
Timestamp with TZ field date shifted +66 hours
Hello, Please connect as SYS with direct TCP/IP to an Oracle 19c database. Use an TOraQuery with the following SQL: select /*+first_rows*/ ORIGINATING_TIMESTAMP, HOST_ADDRESS, container_name, module_id, process_id, message_text from v$diag_alert_ext where
PostGres reserved Word
Hi, I'have a table with field INT1,INT2,INT3. On Oracle if I worte SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE (INT2 = :INT2) it work fine but in postgres params.count = 0, INT2 is a reserved word in Posgres. It Works if I change the query in Format('SELECT * FROM MyTable
SFTP DirectoryExists
With SFTP: What is the best way to check the existance of a remote directory. Like Delphi DirectoryExists()
SecureBridge: Prevent File Creation with TScSFTPServer
I am uploading files with a SFTP Client to a TScFTPServer, but I want to process the stream directly without creating a file alongside it. I tried overriding OnWriteFile, but then an empty file gets created, which I want to avoid. It seems like OnOpenFile
New BOOLEAN datatype not supported with Oracle 23ai client
Hello, I am using the latest version of ODAC and Delphi. When I connect to an Oracle 23ai database, using an Oracle 23ai client, and I select (using TSmartQuery) from a table that has a column of datatype BOOLEAN (for example: Select * from user_domain_cols),
UniDac with Quickbooks QODBC - Enterprise
I am trying to use the QODBC driver to create a "simple" report for Positive Pay for the bank using Delphi, UniDac, and QODBC. I can connect to the QB DB, but opening the BillPaymentChecks table only returns ONE record. Presumably the top/first record.
DBForge Monitor not showing some data
I use SSMS on a desktop computer to connect to certain machines, and dbForge Monitor 1.6.2 does not show me certain information on some machines: Do I need to have some port open, start some service to see this data? Thanks, Joan
Function 'sessionproperty' not supported after upgrade to 7.0.158
Hi We're working on Azure serverless SQL pools, and have been for a while. Recently SQL Complete updated to 7.0.158, and now after running each query in the editor I get an error "Function 'sessionproperty' is not supported" I am running ssms 20.2.3
reports duplication / encapsulation
If I wanted to create a report for each of 30 different locations based on a query that has a where statement something like WHERE Location = 1 what would be the easiest way to do it? If I save a report file such as location1.rdp and the query as location1.sql
Connecting to Oracle Autonomous instances with Unidac
Hello, We are using Unidac in Delphi 11 to connect to Oracle Autonomous instances in Direct mode but we can't get it to work. If we give "" as the server and valid user/password credentials, we receive the following error: ora-03113
Anyone else questioning the point of renewal?
I work for a large organization and have gone through the DevArt ticket system with multiple different people that aren't really supporting me, just responding with lip service and no actual solutions or useful information along with the time zone barrier
SQL Complete - Is there a way to trigger a snippet while inside a comment block?
Is there a way to trigger a snippet while inside a comment block? for example in SSMS Select * from ... /* This is my comment block On the next line I want to start typing somthing that would trigger a snippet */ update ...
SQL Complete Execution History Search
Can the search be triggered manually instead of automatically after each keystroke? It's painful to wait for the search to complete after each keystroke before you can type in the next letter in the search term
Generate Script no longer exports the whole table: 10.0.46
dear devart, next to the catastrophic changes you made, which are intended, I found another issue which must be a bug in my eyes: when getting "CREATE TABLE" statements you no longer see triggers or anything else. I'm pretty sure - before the update -
dbForge Source Control adding extra Unicode characters
The Source Control inside dbForge has begun adding extra characters on the end of commits. How can we fix this? dbForge Studio for SQL Server Version: 6.5.16 Enterprise Azure DevOps And in Notepad:
SQL Query Causing "Execution Timeout Expired" even when connection execution timeout set to 0
I have a query I'm trying to run in dbForce for SQL Server that is causing an Execution TImeout Expired error after 30s, even though my connection settings are set to 0s. What's strange is I've had other queries that run well over that timeframe without
Azure Entra (AD) users not showing in sql server manager tab
In the Security Manager dashboard I can only see sql server authenticated users. The dashboard will not display the AD users that are in the database. I am logged in with the AD sql admin account, the same one I use to set and alter the AD users on the
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