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How to Connect to MySQL Server
In the second article of the series uncovering how to get started with MySQL, we talk about the ways of connecting to MySQL Server. You can connect to MySQL Server using MySQL Client, dbForge Studio for MySQL, and MySQL Workbench. In this article, we ...
How to Automatically Create a Dump File on Crash for Studios, Standalone Tools, and MiniTools
If a crash occurs, you can configure the system to automatically create a dump file for debugging purposes. Follow the steps below to create the required registry keys for different products, such as dbForge Studio, Standalone Tools, and MiniTools. ...
Cannot open table ‘Case’ and’ Order’ in SSMS with ODBC Driver for Salesforce:
Please also note another peculiarity when working with SQL Server Management Studio. Regular queries executed in this tool will be processed by the SQL Server's own syntax parser. After this analysis, the query actually executed by the provider may ...
How to Install MySQL on Windows Using MySQL Installer
The article provides a comprehensive walkthrough outlining the aspects of how to install MySQL Server on Windows using MySQL Installer. Learn the subtleties of the MySQL installation process step-by-step to ensure you have MySQL Server together with ...
Limit of activations exceeded (dbForge)
The point is that when you change any hardware part of your computer or reinstall the OS or change a profile on your computer, your Hardware ID changes so the software considers it as an installation on an alternative computer. Virtual machine ...