Oracle.EFCore: saving to DB fails with error "NetTopologySuite spatial service is not registered"
Hi, I am currently trying to migrate my Blazor Entity Framework Identity app from Oracle Managed EF package to Devart EF package. Reading from DB seems to work fine, however, I can't update any rows in DB getting the following exception: 13:27:08.90 fail:
EF7: issue with case/when in version (ORA-00920 : invalid relational operator)
Hi, In version a wrong query is generated. We currently use version which doesn't have this issue. The generated query looks as follows (in bold the incorrect part): ---- SELECT "l".A "A", "l".B "B", (CASE WHEN "l".C THEN 2 ELSE
Compiled query errors
Hello, After I 'v updated DB connector from version "" to "" , I started to get errors on compiled queries. I'm using EF7 on NET7. In the previous version, everything worked pretty well. Example of call: private static readonly Func<Model,
Handling of a bit array
Hello, recently we moved from 7.24.2066 to 8.1.151. Is there a difference now in handling a bit array? In the database there is a field of type "bit(7)". When filling a datatable (PgSqlDataAdapter.Fill), there is a different result in the corresponding
AccessViolationException in OCI mode, Devart 10, EF 6.4.4, Oracle 19
Hello Devart team. We are using Devart.Data.Oracle for .NET Framework + EntityFramework 6.4.4. Our application is targeted to .NET Framework 4.8 and runs as 32 bit service process with "Local System" permissions. Devart.Data.Oracle runs in OCI
Connecting to QBO Sandbox
I am working with the trial and just setting things up. I can connect to the Live QBO environment but when I try to connect to the Dev environment (sandbox) I get the following error. I do have a sandbox account under the same userID as my prod account.
RAD Studio 12 support
Any idea how soon after launch that MySQLDAC (Delphi Components) will be updated to be used in RAD Studio 12 ? Or can it be installed in RAD 12 now?
UniDAC Update - Delphi 12
Delphi 12 has been released. When can we expect an update of the UniDAC components?
SDAC version 11.0.0 not yet available for Delphi 12
Hello, I have received the notification that SQL Server Data Access version 11.0.0 and VirtualDac 13.0.0. is available for download. When I go to my profile to download the version I noticed that the Delphi 12.0.0 version is available for download.
TUniQuery - how to assign JSON object to it?
Can someone please give me an example how to assign a JSON object (got from HTTP response query) to TUniQuery component? In Delphi (10). Thanks.
Oracle 11 XE - Error ORA-24816: Expanded non LONG bind data supplied after actual LONG or LOB column
Hello, I have a problem with Oracle 11 Express Edition after upgrade ODAC from 10.1.3 to version 12.3.0 (Delphi 10.2). When I try to update a table with a CLOB field, I get ORA-24816 error (Expanded non LONG bind data supplied after actual LONG or LOB
Setting Servername with Port doesn't change port sind 10.2
With older version we only could set the servername in form of "server.local,1434" and the connection could be opened. When I use Version 10.2 the Port of the connection still stays on default 1433. Connection can than not be opened.
cannot insert unicode value in table (Mydac 9.1.3 for RAD Studio 10.2)
Hi, I have create a very simple database to test inserting unicode characters: CREATE TABLE `tencodingtest` ( `pk` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `value_as_utf8` varchar(30) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin DEFAULT NULL, `value_as_utf16` varchar(30)
How to know which SQL driver was selected by prAuto ?
Hello All, Is there any way to find out which sql driver the MSConnection have selected, when it is connected and the provider option is set to prAuto ? Some drivers are not suitable for datatypes like ftDate and ftTime, and I would like to know which
Get All Schemas for a Database in Postgres
Hi, I use the code below to get all Database for Postgres : //---- Effacement Database.Clear; //---- Création de la base de données TC := TUniConnection.Create(Self); try //---- PostgreSQL if not (Port.IsNullT or Server.IsNullT or UserName.IsNullT or
Salesforce ODBC driver "unexpected NULL value" error if Name column NULL?
I am using driver version 3.3.0 17-Aug-23. When I try to select the Name column from the Calendar object and the Name column is NULL, the driver gives me the following error. SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY ([SF_CPQ_PROD],'SELECT Id, Name FROM Calendar'); An
How can I query the WorkstationID value assigned in a connection string using T-SQL?
I am assigning the ApplicationName and WorkstaionID properties on a SqlConnectionStringBuilder. I can query the ApplicationName from sys.dm_exec_sessions. I would like be able to query the WorkstationID value using T-SQL, also. My goal is to be able to
Azure Active Directory Integrated Authentication
Is it possible to connect to Azure SQL through Active Directory Integrated Authentication with dbExpress? I tried to add a Custom String=Authentication=ActiveDirectoryIntegrated;Use Encryption for Data=True; to a TCRSQLConnection, but it gave the error
Problem when adding new Linked Table (from DEAR to MS Access) using DEVART ODBC
I have two linked tables already in the database. These were added in an earlier version of MS Access. However, when I add another linked table it comes up with #Deleted# in every field and record. I use the same ODBC driver and have the same linked Table
How can I prove that a SSH connection made by SecureBridge + ODAC is actually SSH
Hello Devart, We have recently added Secure Bridge to our product which uses ODAC to connect to an Oracle database. A security-minded customer wants be be certain that the connection is actually SSH. How can this be demonstrated beyond just "you can connect,
ODBC Driver for Oracle - Oracle Cloud
The connection to Oracle cloud is not successful. What is wrong / missing ?
IBDAC Fastreport integration
Hello, I'm using IBDAC (latest version) in combination with Fastreport (latest version). In the parameters i send to Fastreport i also send the location of the database. I have IBDAC database component in the report and i set the path correctly to the
Error deleting record from table
I am trying to delete a record from a table, and receive this message: Incorrect Syntax near 'Index'. If this is intended as part of a table hint, A WITH keyword and parenthesis are now required. See DQL Server books Online for Proper Syntax. I am using
Program refused to run with SQL server access error, Before tmsconnection is connected
Hi, From a Windows 10 Pro workstation (in a workgroup) I am having problems connecting to a SQL server 2022 (Express) on a Windows 11 Pro machine (same workgroup), using Windows Auth. I have setup the SQL to allow both Windows and SQL server users, and
Unable to load extensions in version 4.3.1 on Delphi 7
Hi, Setting the option EnableLoadExtension in AfterConnect has no effect. Debugging the driver shows that TSQLiteConnection.Connect is called before TSQLiteConnection.SetProp. Hence, the call to sqlite3_enable_load_extension made from TSQLiteConnection.Connect
Swapping Connectionstring between Prod and Development
Hello, Using latest SDAC and Delphi 11.3: Today I forgot to change the connection string in an application I sent to a customer. That made me think if there would not be a better, and simpler, method than to replace the connection string and recompile project Getting Devart error during build pipeline (Azure Devops) - License compilation file - Unable to resolve type 'Devart.Data.Oracle.OracleConnection, VB Project. It has Class library project & website project in solution. Builds in dev machine. During Azure Devops build pipeline, getting below Unable to Resolve Type error during license file compilation. Please help on resolving this
Connecting Delphi client to .NET FireDAC alike server ?
I am aiming to replace Delphi FireDAC based server with .NET C# ASP.NET server which to keep providing the FireDAC requests to the Delphi clients. Is there such a thing ?
Cannot connect to SQLServer in os authentication mode
Hello! Delphi 11.3 Pro. This is my connection configuration: object UniConnection1: TUniConnection ProviderName = 'SQL Server' Port = 1433 SpecificOptions.Strings = ( 'SQL Server.Authentication=auWindows') Server = 'DESKTOP-4J9A9E5' LoginPrompt = False
Estoy trabajando con el componente tunisql con una base de datos postgres, el problema es cómo recupero el id usando esta declaración: ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING, devolviendo id
TUniLoader - Oracle 19c: Direct path loading is not supported in Direct mode
Hello, we are currently using version 8.4.4 of the "Universal Data Access Components" for Delphi 10.4. For copying data we use the component TUniLoader, which has worked without any problems so far. We now want to copy data from one Oracle 19c instance
We would like to handle exceptions according to the error number of the EORAERROR class. I would like to know the defined error number and message-related meaning. The following is an example of handling major exceptions when an error occurs when executing
UniDac Disconnected Mode Bug
I am using Delphi 11.3CE and UniDac 9.4.0 trial version, the problem is like this, I create two connections, one connection to SQL SERVER, one connection to Oracle (Disconnected are assigned to True), create two Query and set up the corresponding connection,
Upgrading SSIS Data flow for Salesforce Issue with License
Hello, We are using the SSIS data flow component 1.7.x for salesforce. It has been working for years. Now we have migrated servers (SQL2014=>SQL2019) and when deploying the SSIS Package and scheduling it to run using SQL Server agent we get "Cannot find
Change notification is not supported in Direct mode
Hi I would like to use change notification but i looks that this feature cannot use in Direct mode. Is there a workaround using change notification in Direct mode because our clients have no Orcale client installed. br, Robert
MS SQL Date and Time fields seen as TWideString fields by Delphi
Hi All, I know this is not a SDAC created problem, but nevertheless, it is a problem for me, using SDAC and MS SQL tables with Date and Time fields. It's with Delphi 11.3 on Win 10 and 11. The problem is that Delphi see MS SQL Date and Time fields as
xmlserialize problems in direct mode
For demo, PLS create table CREATE TABLE XML_TEST ( ID NUMBER (9,0) NOT NULL, XML_COL XMLTYPE ) / ALTER TABLE XML_TEST ADD ( CONSTRAINT XML_TEST_PK PRIMARY KEY ( ID ) / You don't need any data to reproduce. Create a new 64-bit application and add TOraSession,
Trail Period has expire, but I updated the license key and Still Fails
Trail Period has expire, but I updated the license key and Still Fails. TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio ------------------------------ The test connection to the linked server failed. ------------------------------ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:
HELLO IM TRIYING TO CONNECT TO THE DE .DBF FILES OF MY ERP. BUT IM GETTING THE FOLLOWING ERROR IN POWER BI: DataSource.Error: ODBC: ERROR [HY000] [Devart][ODBC][xBase]table CLIENTEAC already exists Detalles: DataSourceKind=Odbc DataSourcePath=dsn=TRY
Bug UniScript
Attached is a demo project the event cannot continue even using procedure TForm.UniScript1Error(Sender: TObject; E: Exception; SQL: string; var Action: TErrorAction); begin Action := eaContinue; end; This Script can be executed by IBExpert by creating
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