The keyword "then" causes inserting ifthen snippet
Hi, "then" keyword causes to inserting "ifthen" snippet dbforge for oracle 6.0.85
SSMS Results Grid > copy as Excel format
The "Copy Data As" results grid options have been very useful for years, but one extra thing would still be super nice to have: "Copy As Excel". I'm sure everyone has seen issues with data types when copying directly from SSMS into Excel, often changing
no prompts for package procedure parameters
dbforge for oracle 6.0.85 and prev
memory !!
Hi, dbborge for oracle 6.0.85 something wrong with memory consumption and this is not related to large dataset suddenly dbforge was freezing for some minutes and i needed to kill process i have catched same case two times , previous version dbforge have
how to specify the version of sql server used when generating synchronization script
My Sql Server install is 2019. When I generate a synchronization script, I need to specify that the script generated works with Sql Server 2014 (other sql installs on different computers). I am currently using dbForge Schema Compare for Sql Server Professional
magic disappearing Data Viewer window
after jumping from Find and Replace window to Data viewer (mouse click) it magic disappear (get empty) dbForge studio for Oracle 6.0.85
scroll problem in table editor
hi, as for me something wrong with panel scrolling in table editor also good place for field comment is main column list rather column property. It's only my opinion of course. Thank you
exec current statement for pl/sql bloc containing JSON_OBJECT cause error
hi, running this block via execute current statement cause error 1 PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "end-of-file" when expecting one of the following: ; <an identifier> <a double-quoted delimited-identifier> The symbol ";" was substituted for "end-of-file"
How to place an image in the background of a report and have the data visible on the image?
Hello, I'm trying out dbForge Studio for SQL Server and want to place a background image on the entire report page. I'm using the image object to insert the image I need, but when I place it in the background and add fields over the image, they don't
no possibility to reset check box "not null" in table editor
Hi,scenario: 1 open table editor - ok 2 add new field - ok 3 set "not null" check box - ok 4 jump to another field - ok 5 return to my new field - ok 6 try to reset "not null" check box - ok 7 jump to another field - fiasco - "not null" check box return
SSL connection problem in dbForge Studio for MySQL
Hello. I have a problem with SSL connection in dbForge Studio for MySQL on one of my machines. An account in the database has 'REQUIRE X509' option, so it's required to specify a client key, certificate and optionally CA to connect. I have specified all
document outline break down
this line break down document outline dbforge for oracle 6.0.85
"Go to definition" jumps to the package specification, not the package body, like a shift+F12
Hi. Thank you for last update DBForge studio for Oracle to 6.0.85. Great job. Fixed many bugs. But at the same time a new problem appeared - "Go to definition" (F12) makes jump to package spec. (like a shift+F12) rather then to package body, . Reloading
SSMS 21 Support
I'm starting to test SSMS 21. Is there a roadmap of when you might add support for SSMS 21?
ORA-00918: column ambiguously defined for paging mode (
hi, i got error while getting next page of query result. for first page i have warning - it's Ok. but for next page i have ERROR 1 ORA-00918: column ambiguously defined SQL3.sql 3 8 Yes, i really have repeating column names, but without paging or for
header of tab sometimes not in visible position !!!
Hi, sometimes the tab header is not in visible position after opening new tab and need to scroll tabs for finding it.
SQL Complete No Longer Shows Column List For Trigger Tables
I could've sworn SQL Complete used to show the column names for the inserted/deleted tables in the list members CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[tu_Contact_StandingId] ON [dbo].[Contact] AFTER UPDATE AS BEGIN IF UPDATE(StandingId) BEGIN INSERT CapitaTransaction
SQL Complete Execution History Import
Is there a way to move over query execution history from one computer to another?
Invalid command line. Unknown switch 'connection:user'.
I've been using dbforgemysql in Windows for manual backups and decided to automate it after a recent server crash at our ISP. I've followed the directions, but no matter what I do I receive an error. Invalid command line. Unknown switch 'connection:user'.
Hi, Anyone had this error when trying to conect do a Microsoft Fabric instance? The endpoints works fina on Azure Data Studio and SSMS but i get this error on DBFORGE Studio for SQL Server
How to quickly find DB Connections
Does anyone have any solutions for how to quickly find DB connections in Database Explorer when you work for a large company and have thousands of connections for all different servers? There isn't even a search bar and it would take forever to manually
Schema Compare for Postgresql: Triggers comparison
Hello Where can I find an exhaustive list of what schema objects are currently supported and not supported when doing a schema comparison using dbForge for PostgreSQL? I was under the impression triggers are supported by this does not seem to be the
Documentation tool doesn't generate flow diagrams for Stored Procedures?
I'm puzzled that such an important feature for those of us converting legacy databases to a more modern architecture don't have any tools that can flow diagram T-SQL stored procedures? I feel like your products are dancing around "real world" developer
Is there a better way to view this panel info?
When viewing indexes for a table, the index "details" panel (see image attached) is incredibly awkward, being compressed into a small space. Is there a way to better view that panel to use it more easily? e.g. a different window/panel arrangement or an
Compare to schema inside same database
Hi, I started to evaluate DbForge Studio for PostgreSQL. I wan't to compare schemas inside database. (I mean those schemas which are created by CREATE SCHEMA myschema); our use case is for example a franchising chain, where all companies are under same
Intellisense/Suggestions for Locally Created Temp Tables?
I create local temp tables and query from them often in my script. In my previous installations of SSMS with (and without) SQL Complete, I was able to write "SELECT * FROM #" and would receive suggestions for available temp tables to query, including
SQL Formatter Select List Margin Break
Hi there. Is it possible to break the SELECT list at a particular margin point? I'd like to leave the Select List "Stack Columns" option as Single Line, but I'd like to be able to specify when the Select column list should break to a new line. Is this
Solution made with Mysql for Visual studio 12.0.1
Hello, I am trialing Devart dotConector with Visual Studio 2019. I have a full solution, which has datasets (XSD) created by MySQL for Visual Studio. I was hoping to just migrate these across to use the namespace (from Mysql.Data.mysqlClient)
Schema compare for PostgreSQL free and commercial editions (dbForge Studio for PostgreSQL)
Is there any difference between Schema compare for PostgreSQL free and commercial editions (dbForge Studio for PostgreSQL)?
Data management system
Data is the backbone of generation
This server version 17.1 is not currently supported
I installed the latest dbForge Studio for Postgres. Running on windows 10. Postgres container (latest version from last week) is running in docker desktop for windows on port 5432. When I am creating the connection, dbForge studio is able to connect and
How to disable formatting of Stored Procedure/Function code in backup?
In some Functions I format the code myself. However, in the backup copy my formatting is lost, and instead it is replaced by automatic formatting. How do I prevent this? I use dbForge Studio 2020 for MySQL
Live Data
In the latest version of dbForge Studio for SQL Server is there any 'live data' functionality to show rows populating as a simple query executes instead of having to wait for the entire query to finish before showing results? For example: select * from
Set connection parameters via command line
Hello, we would like to use dbForge for MySQL with PAM solution (not Percona) that requires setting connection parameters via command line (username, password, dbname) to launch dbForge for MySQL application on Windows. Is that possible?
I have Error in dbForge Monitor SQL Server "this metrics not supported by the current Microsoft SQL Server edition"
Hi, I have Error in dbForge Monitor SQL Server "this metrics not supported by the current Microsoft SQL Server edition" What have I do?
How to show table name on windows with retrieved data?
When I'm retrieving data from table through context menu option in previous versions on opened tab was shown name of the table. But now its just "SQL", "SQL1", "SQL2"
Entity Developer issue with nullable DateOnly
I am in the process of upgrading our apps to .net 8 and EF core 8 and have also upgraded Entity Developer to the latest release. However, I am having an issue with DateOnly fields. If I mark a database field as DateOnly and nullable = true, the resulting
Schema compare for PostgreSQL 1.4.839
Very good tool with minor exceptions. For now I miss compare for triggers and indexes. Didn't test partitioning yet (is this working).
SSMS 19.3 no SQL Complete after installation
Hi. Yesterday I installed SqlComplete 7.0. Everything went smoothly until I saw there is no SQLComplete menu in SSMS 19.3. There was no indication of error. I tried it twice, with same result. What should i do? How do I troubleshoot this? Thanks.
Errors testing backup db with 20+ tables total 10GB
Hi, My first question evaluation dbForge Studio for MySQL, after a few days testing other stuff through the evaluation of ENTERPRISE. The "only" special circumstance is that it is on a MariaDB 10.4 db enginge with tables in innodb. I have verified that
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