Add a field named index to the DBF table

Add a field named index to the DBF table

There is a dbf table with a foam structure.
It is necessary to add a field with the name index.
  1. UniQuery->SQL->Text ="ALTER TABLE \""+System::Ioutils::TPath::GetFileNameWithoutExtension(OpenDialog->FileName)+"\" ADD COLUMN &fldname CHAR(10);";
  2. UniQuery->MacroByName("fldname")->AsString = "index";
  3. UniQuery->ExecSQL();
  1. UniQuery->SQL->Text ="ALTER TABLE \""+System::Ioutils::TPath::GetFileNameWithoutExtension(OpenDialog->FileName)+"\" ADD COLUMN `index` CHAR(10);";
  2. UniQuery->ExecSQL();
add the index field with double quotes - "index"
  1. UniTable1->Close();
  2. TField* Field;
  3. UniTable1->FieldDefs->Update();
  4. Field = new TStringField(UniTable1);
  5. Field->FieldName = "index";
  6. Field->Size = 10;
  7. Field->FieldKind = fkData;
  8. Field->Name = UniTable1->Name + Field->FieldName;
  9. Field->DataSet = UniTable1;
  10. UniTable1->FieldDefs->Update();
  11. UniTable1->Open();
Error - UniTable1 Field "index" not found
Help solve the problem.
Thank you.