Add Stored Procedure fails in DB First, unless trivial contents

Add Stored Procedure fails in DB First, unless trivial contents

Firstly, there seems to be no Support Category for Entity Developer. I hope that's not a reflection of the support for that product??

Most of the time when I attempt to add existing Stored Procedures to the model, the process fails when retrieving result dataset with the message (like):
"Failed to obtain metadata of procedure result set.
Invalid object name #results"

1) If the procedure simply does something like "select * from dbo.existingtable", the procedure gets added to the model, as per the documentation, and creates output data format entities.
2) If the procedure does anything non-trivial like processing data into #tables, then returning that data, the process of adding the procedure fails with the above message. 

An example of a simple SP that fails the process is below. Please advise.

CREATE procedure dbo.DemonstrateFail as begin 
declare @Mnth datetime, @StartDate datetime, @Group datetime = eomonth(getdate())
declare @Num int, @GroupNum int = 0

create table #results(Mnth datetime not null, FromDate datetime not null, Num int not null, primary key clustered (Mnth desc))
insert #results(Mnth, FromDate, Num) values ('2024-01-01', '2024-01-01', 1)

select * from #results r
