Automatic choice of provider

Automatic choice of provider


We're wondering about the algorithm that chooses the provider to use to connect to a SQL Server instance when the Provider property is set to prAuto.

According to the documentation (and the UniDac's source code), the Native Client is prefered over the MSOLEDB dirver.
What's wonder us is that Microsoft itself indicates that the Native Client is deprecated in favor of the MSOLEDB driver.

So, when both providers are present on a computer, the prAuto's algorithm doesn't choose the best provider according to Microsoft's recommendations.

Could you tell us what prompted you to make this choice?

On the other hand, we found no option on the component to choose whether a provider is authorized (even if it is available on the computer) or to choose the priorities associated with each provider.
Is it possible to add something like this? For the moment, the only solution we have is to modify UniDac's sources to modify the array supplied to the OpenProvider function (and we'd like to avoid this as much as possible).