I am considering converting a large application database to MySQL using MyDAC.
I found this page via Google that says:
"In MyDAC the interests of BDE application developers were taken into consideration. So starting to use MyDAC after working with BDE would be easy even for developing complex projects. Moreover, MyDAC does not have problems like ones with LiveQuery and compatibility of applications developed using different versions in BDE."
Further down however I find this:
- IndexFieldCount, IndexFields, IndexFiles, IndexName, GetIndexNames, GetIndexInfo - Not supported by MyDAC
Most of those table properties are not a concern. IndexName however is. I have looked many places to find a possible work around but am coming up empty. I am that Devart doesn't seem to offer any suggestions in documentation.
Not having the Indexname property available on a table also breaks usage of other useful tools, ie, WollToWoll TwwKeyCombo.
So, the question then, of course, is is there a suggested work around on the IndexName property for a BDE application.