Connecting to Oracle Autonomous instances with Unidac

Connecting to Oracle Autonomous instances with Unidac


We are using Unidac in Delphi 11 to connect to Oracle Autonomous instances in Direct mode but we can't get it to work.

If we give "" as the server and valid user/password credentials, we receive the following error:

ora-03113 end-of-file on communication channel

Considering that we have a working JDBC connection string and having read some doc ( we tried putting this as the TUniConnection.ConnectionString value:

Provider Name=Oracle;Direct=True;Host="(description= (retry_count=20)(retry_delay=3)(address=(protocol=tcps)(port=1521)(";User ID=User;Password=SomePassword;SpecificOptions="ProxyPort=0"

But this fails too, with OraNetClassesUni raising an exception with the following message:

IOHandler is not specefied

Apart from the typo in the last word, I can't see anything remotely helpful with this message.

What have we missed here?