Devart.Data.Oracle v9.0.12.0 to v10.3.10.0: The same update doesn't always commit

Devart.Data.Oracle v9.0.12.0 to v10.3.10.0: The same update doesn't always commit


I am creating this topic because we've been having issues ever since we deployed in Production a few weeks ago.
One of the biggest change we brought was a change of versions of Devart from v9.0.12.0 to v10.3.10.0.
However, I've rolled back to v9.0.12.0 and our issue still happens which gives me the impression that it is more code related.

But I am hoping you guys can help me figure out where to look or how to troubleshoot the issue.

We have an orchestrator that creates tasks that can go up to 16 parallel executing threads at a time.
This has been in place for years.

Our problem occurs when the task has to update an object "Access". We update this object in many places in the code but the problem occurs always specifically at the same line of code.
Sometimes when the update is sent to Oracle, with a DBA, we see that the session executes the update statement but does not commit. The session eventually goes inactive which locks the row it had updated.

Our CommandTimeout parameter is set to 5 minutes. Eventually the update statement is timed out and the task ends up retrying. It can take multiple tries eventually the update goes through (sometimes it works the first try). The update takes fractions of seconds.

I am not sure how I can "force" the commit. I mean, there must be a reason why the commit isn't sent. Perhaps another query is holding the entry? I've looked at our logs and haven't found anything that would indicate the row is being updated by another task.

Any help is appreciated, thank you.