C++ Builder error: E2015 Ambiguity between 'Crjson::TJSONObject' and 'System::Json::TJSONObject'
I just moved one of my C++ Builder projects to RAD Studio 12.2 and UniDAC 10.3.2. I am getting the above error plus E2015 Ambiguity between 'Crjson::TJSONArray' and 'System::Json::TJSONArray'. I am only using TJSONObject and TJSONArray in this project, so there might be ambiguities with other JSON classes.
The project has been compiled with many previous versions of RAD Studio and UniDAC. I am currently using RAD Studio 12.1 and UniDAC 10.2.1 to successfully build the project.
Please let me know when you have a fix for this.
Thank you,