Error connecting from Schema Compare 1.4.839 to PostgreSQL 14 using Pritunl

Error connecting from Schema Compare 1.4.839 to PostgreSQL 14 using Pritunl

I'm trying to connect to PostgreSQL 14 from Schema Compare 1.4.839 using Pritunl (VPN client). So I have many network adapters / IP addresses on my laptop.

When I'm trying to connect to PostgreSQL server with Pritunl is on, I get an error:

no pg_hba.conf entry for host "", user "my_user", database "my_database", no encryption

I have no IP among all my IPs (checked using ipconfig /all | find "IPv4").
My IP bound to Pritunl virtual adapter differs from

All other PostgreSQL tools (psql, DBeaver, DataGrip) are connecting fine when Pritunl is on.

When I switch off Pritnul, I get another error when trying to connect to PostgreSQL:

ERROR: 08006: Unknown host

I suppose that Schema Compare uses some wrong network adapter (or even creates a custom own network adapter)?

Please help.