Error deleting record from table

Error deleting record from table

I am trying to delete a record from a table, and receive this message:

Incorrect Syntax near 'Index'.  If this is intended as part of a table hint, A WITH keyword and parenthesis are now required.  See DQL Server books Online for Proper Syntax.

I am using SQL Express 2022 on Windows 10 as the DB server.  Delphi 11 with current Unidac 9.4.

The 'Index' refers to the first column in my table.  It is not currently a key field, but does auto-number. (I turned off key field on the chance that was the cause, no effect).

This is the code:
  With Db.tblEvents Do

    On e: Exception do
      ShowMessage('Unable to delete Event: ' + IntTOStr(SelectedEvent.ID) + #10 + #10+ e.Message);

Any suggestions?