Error while accessing foxpro tables from sql server as linked server

Error while accessing foxpro tables from sql server as linked server

Provider OLE DB "MSDASQL" for linked server "XXXX" returnes the message "[Devart][ODBC][xBase]Cannot open file "c:\temp\table.dbf". Unable to access file. The file is being used by another process".
Message 7350, level 16, status 2, procedure test, row 3 [riga iniziale del batch 0]
Could not get column information from provider OLE DB "MSDASQL" for linked server "XXXX".

All my tables are in use on my foxpro ERP, but all tables are used shared not exclusive and we had no problems in the past using foxpro original odbc driver for 32 bit.... Now we are using DEVART to use 64 bit SQL server versions...

We are evaluating Devart, and at the moment we have only this problem....
