Exception when generating diff report for PostgreSQL from command line

Exception when generating diff report for PostgreSQL from command line

Evaluating schema compare tool using PostgreSQL 14.7 local databases.  Can successfully generate HTML report from User interface, but same process is failing when generating via command line.  We want to plug this into our build server pipeline, so command line generation is critical.  Find attach all the log files and options being as well as the partial output created.

Command line used:
"C:\Program Files\Devart\dbForge Studio for PostgreSQL\dbforgepostgresql.com" /schemacompare /compfile:"C:\Dev\git\clone\onkey-plus-server\db\schemadiff.scomp" /report:"C:\Dev\git\clone\onkey-plus-server\db\schemadiff.html" /reportformat:HTML /includeobjects:Diff /log:C:\Dev\git\compare.log