Foreign Key violation with 11.0.0

Foreign Key violation with 11.0.0

I recently updated SDAC to 11.0.0  (Delphi 7) and made a few tests and all seemed ok.

This morning I had an Issue arise with a migration application,  The main difference with this is the application connects to two MSSQL databases and allows our customer to merge data in from a test system into their live system.

It was getting foreign key violations when adding new rows within a transaction to the destination database.  So I got everything set up and proceeded to step through the code testing.

The tables being used had a structure


with the transacton on the destination database it uses MSTable.Append, populated the fields from Database A to Database B and then MSTable.Post the parent record ok.  When doing the same for the  first child record it (referential link matching) generated a Foreign key violation.

Knowing that the application was previously working, I removed SDAC 11.0.0 and reinstalled 10.3.0 and everything was then working again.

Has there been anything changed in 11.0.0 that would cause the above if I do not make any code/dfm changes?  or known Issue with 11.0.0