How to use TMyConnectionOptions with TMyConnection to set protocol to IPv4 (or IPv6)?

How to use TMyConnectionOptions with TMyConnection to set protocol to IPv4 (or IPv6)?

I'm using MySQL Data Access Components, standard edition, version 10.3.2 for Rad Studio 2009
(I'm also using the SSH components to get an encrypted connection)
The docs here
say that it's possible to specify the IP version used for a connection by using the property IPVersion of TMyConnectionOptions. 
and here
it says that TMyConnectionOptions is a class.

But nowhere is there any code examples of how to use that property. TMyConnection doesn't seem to have any properties related to  TMyConnectionOptions,  so how is it used?

I have
var  MyConnection1 : TMyConnection;
Starting from that, please can someone show me the correct Delphi syntax to set the IP version that it uses to IPv4 (or IPv6)  i.e. something like
MyConnection1.ConnectionOptions : = ivIPv6
(which I realise isn't right but how should it be done?)