Modify TStringField for ANSI / UTF translation

Modify TStringField for ANSI / UTF translation

I am using the latest UniDac version with Delphi 12.3 on an oracle database (db2 / sqlserver planned)

There are many old cobol applications running which not support UniCode, so data is written as AnsiString using the codepage setting of the windows client.

When selecting / changing string data on the "old" tables I have to convert Ansi to UTF and backwards. For that I have an unit with AnsiToUTF and UTFToAnsi functions for windows codepages 1250 to 1258.

The easiest way to use this functionality would be a new class function for TStringField, for example "edtText.Text := UniQuery1.FieldByName('TEXT').AsUTF" or "UniQuery1.FieldByName('TEXT').AsUTF := edtText.Text"

Would it by possible to implement something like that? (I know it is not an UniDac specific question but perhaps someone can help me or find this information usefull)

Greetings and many thanks in advance