Multiple DbContext in one transaction in NET6 Devart.Data.Oracle.EFCore

Multiple DbContext in one transaction in NET6 Devart.Data.Oracle.EFCore


When trying to use multiple dbContexts in one transaction I get the following error when setting the transaction:
  1. dbContext.Database.UseTransaction(transaction) 
System.InvalidOperationException: 'The specified transaction is not associated with the current connection. Only transactions associated with the current connection may be used.'

I could find an unresolved ticket from 2022 with the same issue. The issue was reproduced by devart but was never fixed:

I follow the microsoft documentation on using existing transactions:

I tried using the db context to create the transaction
  1. dbContext.Database.BeginTransaction()
and using the OracleConnection to create the transaction
  1. using var transaction = connection.BeginTransaction();