OLAP Connection to Azure Analysis Services Data Cube on macOS

OLAP Connection to Azure Analysis Services Data Cube on macOS

On Windows we're successfully connecting an Excel pivot table to an Azure Analysis Services data cube using Excel's built in functionality.  It generates the following connection string:

OLEDB;Provider=MSOLAP.8;Persist Security Info=True;Initial Catalog=***;Data Source=
asazure://aspaaseastus***.asazure.windows.net/analysissvcs;MDX Compatibility=1;Roles=***;Safety Options=2;MDX Missing Member Mode=Error;Update Isolation Level=2

It requires the user to log in with their Microsoft account.

We're trying to replicate this with Excel on macOS.  Can the Devart ODBC driver do this?  I'm concerned that it doesn't handle OLAP and in my testing so far it doesn't seem to be able to connect to a server that begins with "asazure...".