Old DLL Reference (Devart.Data.PostgreSql)

Old DLL Reference (Devart.Data.PostgreSql)


in my Web Forms App I did upgrade to current Devart DLLs but there's somehow a hard reference to an older DLL and the only way I could solve it, was by using a DLL redirection - see below.

Here's what I tried to solve it the right way:

- I removed all DevArt assemblies from the GAC because I'm using them locally
- I checked all DLLs in the App build with dnSpy but did not found a single reference to 7.24, but references to 8.1 (as expected)
- I checked the config file and did not find a reference to 7.24
- if I deploy the App to another system, the problem does not show up
- on the server with the issue, the issue happens both in IIS Express as well as in the IIS itself

now I'm a little bit lost where this DLL reference could came from. I checked also for occurencies of Devart.Data.PostgreSql.Linq but did not find an outdated version (that references 7.24) either.

Any ideas where to look/what to do?

Thx ia,


<assemblyIdentity name="Devart.Data.PostgreSql" publicKeyToken="09af7300eec23701" culture="neutral"/>
<bindingRedirect oldVersion="7.24.2066.0" newVersion=""/>