[PgDAC] Error when executing SQL Query in table with blob files

[PgDAC] Error when executing SQL Query in table with blob files

Hi there, hope you'll ok.

I recently started using PgDAC for queries that works with blob files, especially using the "execute" command of PostgreSQL (version 16). When i execute the query, i'm getting the following error:

"ERROR: Assertion failure
(D:\Jenkins\workspace\DAC\PgDAC\Delphi\Dac\PostgreSql\Source\PgSQLProtocol.pas, line 1723)"

Using the same query in PgAdmin tool works fine. This broken my software, cause he generates queries dinamically and execute, and its no longer working. 

Have you guys heard about this error? I found 2 topics here, no one has a definitive solution. I tested with version 8.3.2 of PgDAC.