Schema/Data Comparison: importing table mapping from other comparison file
I have spent about half an hour in schema comparison screen to map the tables of two databases that have significant differences (the one is an upgrade of the other, with several changes). Now that i have finished, i find myself in need to perform a data comparison on those tables. So, now i have to do the same mapping task again. :(
It would be useful in both Schema and Data comparison windows, if there was a way to "import" the Source/Target and Table Mappings from another Schema/Data comparison file to the active window (both ways, in Schema Comparison window, you could import from a Data Comparison file and vice versa).
I have also faced the following issues: I have several databases that are mostly the same (minor differences in table fields). If i open an existing file (schema or data comparison) and try to change the database to one i know is similar, table and field mappings are all cleared. It would be nice to be table to instruct Studio (with a checkbox) to preserve table and field mappings and not clear everything.