ScHttpServer and ResponseInfo.OutputStream

ScHttpServer and ResponseInfo.OutputStream

I would like to know what is the best way to use the ScHttpServer component to return an Outputstream.
I have the following code in ScHttpServerProcessRequest, and it works, but when I release the stream, it stops working.

  1. try
              fs := TFileStream.Create( vFilename , fmOpenRead OR fmShareDenyNone);
              fs.Position := fs.Size;
              ResponseInfo.ContentType := 'application/*';
              ResponseInfo.ContentLength := fs.Size;
              ResponseInfo.SendChunked := True;
              ResponseInfo.StatusCode := scAccepted;
            //fs.Free; <----if uncomment error: You must write ContentLength bytes to OutputText or OutputStream

Obtain "You must write ContentLength bytes to OutputText or OutputStream"