SFTP Client Timeout

SFTP Client Timeout


We have an application which uses an scSFTPClient component to transfer files to our bank.  This program has been in use for years and never had a problem.

Today, we had two files fail due to a reported timeout.  Our timeout value is set to 30.  After encountering the error, I changed the timeout to 120 and then to 300.

The size of the files being transferred are 116,160 and 76,800.  After repeated failures, I logged into FileZilla and manually uploaded both files.  Each upload took 4 seconds.

What might the issue be?

Thanks, Sidney

Application Log
5/20/2024 3:43:29 PM SFTP Connected
5/20/2024 3:47:33 PM Transmission 13918-20240520093833.dat failed:Timeout expired, session has not responded
5/20/2024 3:53:34 PM SFTP Disconnected