Solution made with Mysql for Visual studio 12.0.1

Solution made with Mysql for Visual studio 12.0.1

Hello, I am trialing Devart dotConector with Visual Studio 2019.

I have a full solution, which has datasets (XSD) created by MySQL for Visual Studio.  I was hoping to just migrate these across to use the namespace (from Mysql.Data.mysqlClient)

I have replaced all the imports to Devart and the project runs.  However the dataset will not update to the database when i run the table manager UpdateAll.  DBNull errors, concurrency.....

CaseinExtractionDate'DirectCast(($exception).Row, XXXXXXXX.SampleTests.sample_siraRow).CaseinExtractionDate' threw an exception of type 'System.Data.StrongTypingException'Date {System.Data.StrongTypingException}

Does anyone have any advice on this.  It works fine with the latter.   Do i need re-create all the datasets with Devart wizard?

I understand what the error is telling me but i cannot understand why it is now an issue.
