SSL connection problem in dbForge Studio for MySQL

SSL connection problem in dbForge Studio for MySQL


I have a problem with SSL connection in dbForge Studio for MySQL on one of my machines. An account in the database has 'REQUIRE X509' option, so it's required to specify a client key, certificate and optionally CA to connect. I have specified all 3 files (they were generated automatically by MySQL server), but after connection attempt it returns an error:

SSL connection error (2026):
Cannot load client private key. (code 2026)

The problem exists only on one of my machines. I tried on two others and there are no any issues, a connection estabilishes successfully. So, it's not a certificates problem, and it's not a server problem. Something is wrong on this specific machine. But an app with UniDAC component connects without any issues on this machine with same certificates. MySQL Workbench also works fine on this machine with same cetificates. Only dbForge Studio doesn't want to work. Weird...

Can anyone tell, what may cause such behavior?