IBDAC : TIBCQuery and TIBCEncryptor
TIBCEncryptor work fine with a TIBCQuery connected to a Grid or if you do Dataset.insert or dataset.post.
But it's doesn't seem to work if you add record with a TIBCQuery using execSQL like this ?
- MyQuery:TibcQuery;
- MyEncryptor:TibcEncryptor;
- ...
- begin
- MyQuery.encryption.Encryptor:=MyEncryptor;
- MyQuery.encryption.fields:='MyMemoField';
- MyQuery.sql.text:='insert into Mytable (MyID,MyMemoField) values (:MyId,:MyMemoField)';
- MyQuery.paramByName('MyID').asinteger:=1;
MyQuery.paramByName('MyMemoField').asMemo:='blablablabla'; - MyQuery.ExecSQL;
- MyQuery.Transaction.CommitRetaining;
- end;