TScFTPClient - SSL Negotiation Command is Failed
Our company recently purchased your FTP components and I'm using TScFTPClient to try and connect to an FTP server with TLS. I can call the client's Connect method OK, but when I attempt to use the Login method, I get an error message stating, "SSL negotiation Command is Failed".
Here are my connection settings:
- Require Explicit TLS
- UsePassive = True (doesn't work with false either)
- AuthCommand = acAuthTLSP
- Protocols: I've tried combinations and single selection for each protocol
- Transfer Type = Binary
- All Trust options are set to True
- All Ignore options are set to True
We are able to connect to the FTP server using Indy.
Any ideas on what would cause the TScFTPClient to get the "SSL Negotiation Command is Failed" error message?