type mismatch for field ‘xxx’ expecting string actual widestring

type mismatch for field ‘xxx’ expecting string actual widestring

Hi all,

I'm using SDAC 10.3 on Delphi 11.3:

I got the above mentioned type mismatch, as I had created my SQL tables with NVarChar, and had persistent fields in my MSTables on the form. I found a description for the problem and a solution on this forum, but it is from June 2011, and the solution mentions options, I cannot find in my version. 

In the topic, the solution is mentioned as setting “SQLConnection.Params.Values['UseUnicode'] := 'False';”, but in my version of TMSConnection, there is no “params” property for the MSConnection component. And neither for the MSTable.

According to the solution, setting UseUniCode to false, would solve the problem, even though it would not be the optimal solution. Anyway I want to try it, before I change all tables in my SQL table, or remove all persistent fields from my mstable in my program. 

 So in short: Where (and how) can I set UseUnicode to False, in my SDAC version 10.3, for the MSConnection or for each MSTable, in my Delphi 11.3 program, running on a Windows 10 Pro computer.

