Unidac Mysql Cache DNS

Unidac Mysql Cache DNS

When the IP of a web address changes Unidac is looking for the previous IP.

I am connecting Unidac with mysql via address mysql.kinghost.com
When Kinghost changes the server's IP, Unidac continues to look for the previous IP address that is no longer valid

If I ping and or browser the new IP and call correctly, but the UNIDAC is looking for the previous address.
Is there somewhere that UNIDAC writes a cache that has to be freed?

So I can solve if I change the Windows host to the new IP address
So UNIDAC stores the new address, if after successfully connecting it can remove a reference on the Windows host that UNIDAC connects correctly.

This problem only happens when KINGHOST changes its IP which happens once a year

There is something I can do in Delphi with UNIDAC, the problem happens randomly with some clients, not all clients.