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How to show table name on windows with retrieved data?
When I'm retrieving data from table through context menu option in previous versions on opened tab was shown name of the table. But now its just "SQL", "SQL1", "SQL2"
MariaDB 10.6.18 with dotConnect MySQL
Hallo, we are using dotConnect and try to connect to a MariaDB 10.6.18 with SSL. We have dotConnect MySQL 8.10, and we get the error-message: SSL connection error (2026): The server hello message uses a protocol that was not recognized. There was no problem
New User: Following EntityiDAC PDF - Issues
I am trying to follow the demo in the EntityDAC pdf using a sql server. I am to this step: "Then select the EntityConnection component, specify the path to the database in the ConnectionString property and set other properties as follows:" I am populating
Support for Azure MFA (Azure EntraID) log in in connection manager
Hello, It looks like currently the only way to create a login using MFA in the connection managers is to create an application account in Azure AD (now EntraID) and use the ApplicationID in the connection manager. There does not appear to be an ability
DotConnect for Postgresql with Entity Developer - How use ConnectionLost Event
Hi, I am using DotConnect for Postgresql with Entity Developer (edml Data Model) in an ASP.NET Framework, C# and Entity Framework 5.0 application; Sometimes the connection with the Postgresql database is lost, how can I use the ConnectionLost Event in
Salesforce ODBC + MSSQL linked server - select column metadata?
Via the CLI tool `isql` I was able to retrieve column metadata using the "HELP TableName" command / query, but trying to send the same query via MSSQL linked server only produces an error: SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY (SF_LINKED_SERVER_NAME, 'HELP Account')
Bug: dbForge Studio for MySQL Professional Edition 10.0.225 - Problem with Order By query results in Data window if columns were previously manually sorted
Running a query with Order By in the Text window does not produce correctly sorted results in the Data window if the columns for the table were already manually sorted from inside the Data window. Selecting "clear all sorting" in the Data window of a
Issue with DescribeParams on SQL Server 2022
Hi, we are migrating from SQL Server 2012 to SQL Server 2022 and have a problem with using property DescribeParams of TMSQuery component and calling Prepare. MSQuery1.Options.DescribeParams := True; MSQuery1.SQL.Clear; MSQuery1.SQL.Add('SELECT TOP 10
Python Connectors Talk
Share your questions, ideas, and experiences with our mobile application here. We’re eager to hear your thoughts and suggestions for improvement! Ready to listen to your feedback!
Error: "Invalid parameter "
Hello. I'm using the SQL-Server dbExpress, version 9.3 with Delphi Athens. On my development computer the connection with the database is workink perfectly. However, when I tryed to execute the application in a different computer I get this error message
Connection to MongoDB gives me authentication error
Hi, (I could've sworn I asked this question but my post seems to have disappeared.) Please note I am using Delphi 10.3 (still on a Win8.1 system). On the MongoDB system, using mongoshell: use testdb db.createUser( { user: "testx", pwd: passwordPrompt(),
wrongly generated Oracle sql query EF core NET8
I am currently upgrading or application that is made in framework 4.8 to NET8 and i have some issues with the Entity framework part where the generated sql from the linq query is incorrect. The logic with boolean seems to be the problem, I am not sure
Add SQLite DB relative path to app.config
I have a versioned project shared across a small team and I'd like to avoid using absolute paths for my connection string. Instead I'd like to use either an environment variable or a relative path based on where the project is located. My question is
dbForge does not seem to understand HeatWave specific commands
We are migrating from MySql on-premises to Oracle Cloud with Heatwave. When we perform a DB comparison, we get errors on tables that contain fields to be excluded from HeatWave with the NOT SECONDARY keyword assigned to the fields. Also, in stored procedures,
Using TUniQuery w/ MongoDB
Hi, Having taken a look at, I'm still struggling as the amount of information is somewhat limited (particularly the examples). I have the following code: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender:
Support for Open Telemetry? supports Open Telemetry. Most other database providers now also support this. Does dotconnect also support open telemetry? If not, this would be a very important and good feature for the future. Regards Hansjörg
Can't create a new SSIS Connection Manager
The connection type "DevartSqlServer" specified for connection manager is not recognized as a valid connection manager type. This error is returned when an attempt is made to create a connection manager for an unknown connection type. Check the spelling
Error connecting from Schema Compare 1.4.839 to PostgreSQL 14 using Pritunl
I'm trying to connect to PostgreSQL 14 from Schema Compare 1.4.839 using Pritunl (VPN client). So I have many network adapters / IP addresses on my laptop. When I'm trying to connect to PostgreSQL server with Pritunl is on, I get an error: no pg_hba.conf
Devart.Data.Oracle v9.0.12.0 to v10.3.10.0: The same update doesn't always commit
Hello, I am creating this topic because we've been having issues ever since we deployed in Production a few weeks ago. One of the biggest change we brought was a change of versions of Devart from v9.0.12.0 to v10.3.10.0. However, I've rolled back to v9.0.12.0
Unknown error in OLEDBAccess
We use the latest version of SDAC The program written as a service With several threads in Windows. Sometimes this address is announced and closed accidentally while working Assertion failure (D:\ProjectsClone2\Delphi\Dac\SqlServer\Source\OLEDBAccess.pas,
EF Classic 6.5.x support of Microsoft.Data.SqlClient
We recently got a new 6.5.x release of Entity Framework (Classic) that adds support for using Microsoft.Data.SqlClient instead of System.Data.SqlClient as the DB provider. It would be great if we could get a simple support for that in EntityDeveloper,
Access Database "Direct" mode DDL statements not supported
Delphi 7 with UniDac 10.2.1. We are trying to create a view in an Access database using the TUniSQL component. We are using the new "Direct" mode (which is really wonderful, by the way, because it gets around the 32bit/64bit Access Database Driver problem).
Salesforce ODBC - How to work with *ChangeEvent tables?
Hi there! We've recently bought our Devart Salesforce ODBC license and set it up so we can query our Salesforce via Microsoft SQL LinkedServer. I've now seen that nearly every Object has an additional ObjectChangeEvent table and I was wondering how we
Is is possible add 'OFFSET' or any other word to reserverd keywords in dbForje Studion for MySQL 9.0?
Is is possible add 'OFFSET' or any other word to reserverd keywords in dbForje Studion for MySQL 9.0? OFFSET now keyword in MariaDB and needs to be quoted
woocommerce - unauthorized
Hello, We've just installed the Woocommerce ODBC driver, configured it with domain name, customer key and customer secret, but we keep getting the following error message The remote server returned an error 401 : unauthorized The same credentials work
Unprepared Execute False by default > why statements are prepared by default
Why UnpreparedExecute is *False* by default. So you always prepare statements by default? If i understand the help correctly, this will call an additional "PREPARE". ( This is in most cases not
[bug] with real data type
hello, PgQuery.SQL.Text := 'SELECT 0::real'; PgQuery.Options.UnpreparedExecute := true; if not(PgConnection.Connected) then PgConnection.Connect; PgQuery.Open; It will crash at opening with an exception! and sometimes (in some queries using real data
AzureAD Interactive Authentication
Hi, I'm attempting to get AzureAD Interactive Authentication (auADInteractive) working with SDAC connecting to a SQL Azure database. At the moment it always asks for my password and then a two factor auth challenge. This happens every time I start the
"CROSS APPLY" is not supported in Postgresql?
Hello If I use a LINQ query over 2 tables, I get an error 42601: syntax error at "APPLY" It seems that the SQL contains "CROSS APPLY" which is unknown in Postgresql. How can I avoid that ? Never had that problem with the previous versions (.NET Framework)
Visual Studio 2022 error not loading Devart.Data.PostgreSql.Vs.dll (dotConnect for PostgreSQL 8.1 Express)
Hi, I cannot find this topic in FAQ. So I posted here. It will always appear when I start Visual Studio even when with empty project. Please advice if this error can be ignored. Regards Samuel Toh
Not for profit volunteer developer
I'm doing some volunteer database work and the NFP wants to connect the DevArt plugin from their shopify account to their Microsoft Access database. I have full rights to a sandbox store, but I'm getting an error message -7711 from Access when I try to
dbForge SQL Monitor documentation
Hi, in the support page I can Read <<For a complete description of the tab, refer to the Top Queries, Monitor Window topic>> So where are these complete descriptions of functionality? Thanks a lot
Hi, Anyone had this error when trying to conect do a Microsoft Fabric instance? The endpoints works fina on Azure Data Studio and SSMS but i get this error on DBFORGE Studio for SQL Server
Is there a code sample on how to use multiple DbContext
Hi devart team I am developing an ASP.Net Core application using .Net 8.0 and DevArt.Data.Oracle 10.3.10 and DevArt.Data.Oracle.EFCore I have two projects each has a DbContext. In the program.cs for both DbContext services.AddDbContext<DatabaseContext>(options
Unidac in a Windows Service?
I have spent a lot of time trying to get a couple of applications using Unidac to work as a service. I can get these applications to work ok in GUI mode, but they will not run as a service. I can install the service ok, but when I try to Start the service,
Entity developer (NHibernate) 7.1.151 generating wrong SQL at Update the Database from Model
Hello If you add an association between two entities with composite primary keys, entity developer (NHibernate) 7.1.151 will generate the wrong sql script at "Update the Database from Model". Example (Assoc is One Cat to Many Dogs, ISet) The generated
SFTP Client Timeout
Hello, We have an application which uses an scSFTPClient component to transfer files to our bank. This program has been in use for years and never had a problem. Today, we had two files fail due to a reported timeout. Our timeout value is set to 30. After
Devart.Data.Oracle.EF6: Can it have .Net Framework support in Nuget?
Hello, I am currently updating our dotConnect for Oracle (DevArt.Data.Oracle) package to 10.3.10 in our .NET Framework 4.6.2 solution. I would also like to update Devart.Data.Oracle.EF6 to 10.3.10 but the dependencies in nuget requires .NET Standard 2.1:
OracleSQLCompatibility with EF Core 8
Hi, I am working on an application that uses the Devart.Data.Oracle.EFCore nuget package to read data from an Oracle data base. I want to update the application to EFCore 8 but I have a problem with Contains in LINQ queries when I use a older Oracle database.
Entity Developer - Changes lost on "Update Model from Database"
Hello I have a large SQL Server 2019 database with thousands of tables generating an EF Core Model (.NET 8). When i created the model, some association endpoints are generated with names like "table_fieldname1, table_fieldname2" which is okay (usually,
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