

In order to increase performance, you can try an undocumented parameter.


In the following Windows registry key:

"HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Devart\Excel Add-ins\Options\Import" 




create new parameter:


New->DWORD (32-bit) Value.

Name - "BufferSize".


Double click on this new key and set a value for it. Try using several thousands or tens of thousands. This is an undocumented setting that may increase the speed of reading data. However, an optimal value depends on the size of the table rows and the value will be different for different tables. You can experiment with this setting and find the optimal value for your case yourself.


Rerun Excel after the change value of BufferSize.


This will speed up reading and updating data. But it also changes the progress of reading and updating data. The progress will update more rarely, when the buffer is filled up, and it may seem that reading/updating are frozen. But these processes actually continue to run in these moments.


Also, we would appreciate if you let us know if specifying different values for BufferSize helped you and, if yes, provide us with values that led to positive effect.



Бывает, что пользователь ни разу не заходил в настройки, и у него нет нужной ветки реестра. На этот случай:



If you don't see "Option" folder in the Registry.


The Options folder  in the Registry will appear after you select and save Devart Excel Add-ins Options for the first time: