Kindly note that you are getting the GDS Function not linked error because the Client Library field specifies the path to our Devart InterBase ODBC Driver library (DevartODBCInterBase.dll), not the InterBase client library (ibclient64.dll for 64-bit).
Please specify the correct path to the InterBase client library in the Client Library field (for example: c:\IB\Client\64\ibclient64.dll), we do not supply InterBase client libraries, as our driver allows you to connect to different InterBase versions.
Please also note that the bitness of the client libraries used must match the bitness of your application, regardless of the bitness of the server you are using.
The 32-bit version of the library is named gds32.dll, and the 64-bit one - ibclient64.dll. Usually, InterBase client libraries are located at the %InterBase%\Bin directory, where %InterBase% is the path on your computer where InterBase is installed.
The issue of obtaining the client library does not relate to the functionality of our driver.