Data Connectivity
Schttpwebrequest response
In order to get data returned by the server, you need to handle HttpException. To do this, please try doing the following: try Response := ScHttpWebRequest1.GetResponse; except on E:HttpException do showmessage(E.ServerMessage); end; In this case, ...
ORA-12705 error
In most cases, this error appears when NLS_LANG environment variable on your deployment server contains an invalid language, territory, or character set. To fix it please follow the instructions for the article below: ...
Cannot obtain Oracle Client information from registry.
The error you are facing says that Oracle Client is not installed or the bitness of the application doesn't match to the bitness of the client. 1.) Install Oracle Client 2.) Configure the connection to your server in the tnsnames.ora file. 3.) Make ...
Batch processing issue (LINQ to SQL)
In order to access inserted records before calling SubmitChanges() please use the following code below: public static List<T> WhereOrInserted<T>(this Table<T> table, Expression<Func<T, bool>> predicate) where T : class { var result = ...